(Amharic for "family")

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Our Adoption Plan

It feels like we have known for a long time that our family will soon have a new addition... following a long paperwork trail and plane flight. But it has only been since September.

We were led onto this path following several events-

  1. Michael and I became eager to parent a child

  2. We learned and decided that the traditional method of having children was not an option available to us

  3. We opened our hearts to adoption and were excited by all the different possibilities that lay before us

  4. After many conversations, much research and meeting with 3 different adoption agencies we determined that we would adopt internationally

  5. Our hearts and minds led us to seek out adopting a baby from Ethiopia

And now almost 5 months after sending in our application to our adoption agency, here we are. Perhaps in 5 more months we will have name and picture of our little one.

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