(Amharic for "family")

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sweet Surrender

Another fun weekend to document! I enjoyed spending time in Madison with good friends, whom I worked with at NBT. We named the weekend's theme "Sweet Surrender" (after the scent of my Ban deodorant) and the title rang true. It was a wonderful sunny Saturday to spend hanging out on the terrace, strolling through the farmers' market and checking out the boutiques' sidewalk sales. Good discussions, food and accommodations (thanks Dara) were found. The above picture was taken inside UW's Union... the multicultural mural was our inspiration! The girl we found to take the picture had a good laugh at our antics.

The poem that follows was written by a woman who is on the waiting list at CHSFS. She posted it on the forum after the 2 week dry spell of "no referrals". It brought a smile to my (#12) face...

These mamas and daddies have waited too long
So it is time for a little referral song...
June 15th is coming up soon
We need a little Christmas in June!
Fifteen or Twenty referrals will do
Let the forum light up with "we got ours too!"
Get these kiddo's though court, before it's too late
Too few referrals we really would hate!
Patience has ended, the wait far too long,
So bring on referrals and we'll end our silly song!

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