(Amharic for "family")

Monday, August 6, 2007

Officially a Family of Three!!!

We are so glad to finally share a picture of our son. Today Mehandis Awano Wolaver officially became part of our family!!! His case made it through court today and we are now legally Mehandis's parents :)

After a lot of voice mails (thanks mom & dad for being forum watchers!) and email checking, Michael was able to share the good news with me this time. It seems that most of the scheduled cases from CHSFS got through today. While many of us newly "legal" moms and dads are thrilled... even more wonderful for these waiting children!

Next we find out our travel date, which our social worker said should be given to us tomorrow. And then we will know when we will get to hold our son in our arms for the very first time.


Courtney and Paul said...

Congrats! I saw your post on the forum also - crazy how quickly information travels in this day and age.

I can't wait to hear when you get to travel and all about your travels once you return.

Have fun celebrating!

Soon-to-be Grandma K said...

Welcome to the family Mehandis!!! We can't wait to be able to hold you and spoil you! Anxious to see the wonderful adventure that God has in store for all of us as one big happy family!!!


Love -- Grandma Diane!

trinalovesneworleans said...

congratulations!!! what a beautiful little boy!

rebekah said...

Oh geez! Wow, I got tears in my eyes! What a picture.