(Amharic for "family")

Monday, February 25, 2008

Destructo... also known as Mehandis

I have been teaching Mehandis some simple sign language, to communicate a few basic wants/needs. Examples of these include "all done", "more", "eat", "milk", "mom" and "dad". However, it took a long time to figure out why Mehandis always did the same gesture every time we ask him to "Say Mehandis". As you can see in the following picture, Mehandis would bring his hand up to his ear and hold it there... following this prompt. He does this pretty consistently, deliberately and very seriously. I went so far as to ask his teachers if they have been using a sign for his name or if there was a finger play song with this motion. Nobody could figure it out. After a bit Michael and I realized that this is probably from us talking on the phone and then saying "Say hi Mehandis"... which we then would put the phone up to his ear. So I think the mystery is now cracked! When I am on the phone now, I see Mehandis bringing his hand to his ear as a way of asking to "talk" too.In the past few weeks Mehandis has been graced with yet another nickname, which is "Destructo". When volunteering in our church nursery, we noticed how one little boy earnestly attempted to put all the toys Mehanids had played with back onto the shelves. Mehandis would make the same circle promptly knocking the toys back to the ground. One of his teachers has recently told us that she does not attempt cleaning up the room until Mehandis is picked up. I do give him credit that he does make attempts at putting things back... but he is lacking in the task completion. Check out the latest path of Destructo. Guess he didn't like the plant in the location we had placed it.


Erin said...

That's great- : )

Erika said...

Welcome to parenthood!!