(Amharic for "family")

Thursday, June 28, 2007


So we have been checking our forum, that links us to other families adopting through CHSFS, pretty frequently lately. This week we found out that 3 families received referrals (with two being in front of us). So right now we are sitting tied in 1st on the unofficial "Waiting List". I will quote an email from my friend Becky... "Yowza!" Pretty exciting stuff.
My great friend Maira had mentioned that she attempted to check out the messages posted on our forum, but couldn't find the link. So here it is : http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/mb/chsfsforums?forum=25122
You should find some interesting topics regarding Ethiopian adoptions and updates on the latest "news" in the CHSFS community. Not sure if this will always get you to today's post... let me know. It has been a constant on our computer lately!
By the way, Maira's husband Peter is our model in the photo above.


RMF said...

Michele and Mike,

Nice to hear the good news about the #1 spot...sorry I haven't been in touch, but am thinking about you and your soon- to - be growing family!!

Soon-to-be Grandma K said...

Michele & Michael -- VERY EXCITING. I feel like I have the "keys to the kingdom" with "the list" now! Anxiously awaiting along with you. Can't wait for our call that we are grandparents!

Courtney and Paul said...

Michael and Michele,

I worked with Michael at Swimtastic incase you're wondering who the heck I am!

I haven't checked your site in a while and was very excited to see that you're so close to a referral!

Paul and I are awaiting the completion of our home study and hope to be on the official "waiting" list soon.