(Amharic for "family")

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snow Day!!!

Summer break is not the only perk of working in the public schools... we also get snow days! Anxiously awaiting for your school district's name to be announced on the t.v. or radio feels the same whether you are in 3rd grade or are 33.

This past Wednesday my school district was closed due to the 12 to 20 inches of snow that was in the forecast. So Mehandis and I got to enjoy a middle of the week day off together. During our time off, he became much more proficient at spinning the toilet paper roll to get more squares per pull. I got to cuddle with Mehandis on the couch and read the classic children's story, "A Snowy Day". And, Chewy learned to increase his tolerance of an eager one year old (as can be seen below).

A little after 4, we both started to feel the itch to get out into the white stuff.
This is Mehandis in our driveway... hard to tell that Michael shoveled it already 2 times that day.
Michael took this picture of us as we started off for a quick sled ride around the block. It didn't stop snowing until around 8 or 9 that night. Thanks again to Michael for all of the shoveling and snow blowing that day!

Also, congratulations go out to Fernando, Dominique and Diego... who officially came home as a family of 3 on that blizzardy day!!!

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