(Amharic for "family")

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Standing Tall & Proud in Wisconsin

Kind of hard to come up with a theme to tie in all of the following events/pictures that follow. So let me start with saying how proud I am that our state had a good turn out of voters for the primary elections... on a VERY frigid day. It was fun watching and hearing all of the results come in last night.

The next subject celebrates those who are simply standing...

Check out Michael skating on our driveway this past weekend. Our weather was a mess, with rain, snow, sleet and freezing everything. Michael made the best of it by first skating around, then breaking up the ice/sluch mixture followed by shoveling the snow layer later in the evening!

Yep, Mehandis is now standing tall! He started this on Monday... and now can stand for about a minute. While standing he can dance, "jump", whine and turn pages to a book. Keep it up Mehandis! We know we will be running after you soon.

Today the whole family went to Children's Court in order to make Mehandis's adoption official in Wisconsin. This is actually termed "re-adoption" since the adoption decree already happened in Ethiopia. We had a very enthusiastic judge who had fun with all of us. At the end she gave Mehandis gifts of a frog beanie baby and a Harley T-shirt. Seems like an appropriate welcome to Wisconsin!

Happy (Re) Adoption Day Mehandis... we love you!!!

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