(Amharic for "family")

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Boat Ride, Monkeys and a Poem

I have to say that the weekend following the 15th was a wonderful respite. We detached our phones from our hips and hands while we enjoyed "lake time" at the cabin and a wonderful Father's Day. The picture shown above, was taken during a wind-down dinner on the pontoon boat, the evening of the 15th. A nice way to relax after a couple of intense days.

We returned to Milwaukee on Saturday to visit with my parents, who came up for Father's Day celebrations. They took us to Knickerbocker's Osteria, where we enjoyed some super Italian cuisine. We then had a nightcap at Mo's - but should have brought the remote control to turn down the band's rehearsal attempts. The pictures below are from our downtown Milwaukee evening stroll. My parents also have some great pictures of our Sunday trip to the Milwaukee Zoo. Everybody knows (or at least my mom does) that you have to hit the zoo when you are "expecting." So did our tour. Michael and my father even got in free since they are dads and/or dads-to-be. It think the ticket lady was a bit confused by this proposal.

So here is Part II of the poem I had previously put on the blog. It is once again written by a "waiting mom" from our CHSFS forum...
June 15 has come and gone
But this is not the end of the song
A few more referrals is what we need
Send s'more with lightening speed!
September is too long to wait
These babies need to know their fate!
Mommies and daddies with phones close by
Want to jump lists and breath a big sigh!
So referrals come on, we don't ask much
It's simply our children we're longing to touch!
The courts are closing, we understand
But a couple more referrals need to land in our hands!