(Amharic for "family")

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Summer Fun

Last weekend was a wonderful, yet exhausting, kick off for summer. It started on Thursday with having Erin, Aunt Diane and Uncle Mike over for an impromptu dinner party and porch cocktails. We had some great conversation into the late night/early morning hours. Friday was spent fireside at George & Dara's house - wonderful friends and neighbors who we'll be sad to see soon moving. Saturday we mustered up more energy to go to Dominique and Fernando's for their annual Memorial Day party. Lots of fun there as usual and so much fun seeing the numbers at the party grow with the addition of new kids every year. On Sunday we headed to Twin Lakes for our sister Erin's 30th birthday party. She had 40-some people over, many of whom are great cooks... and as you can see below SUPER dancers! We were able to have a quick "Living on a Prayer" dance lesson with some new blood.

Wait-wise, there hasn't been too much new movement ahead of us in line. We are currently behind 12 other families (AKA #13). In two weeks we will be going to a "Waiting Party" with new friends we met at the West Allis Meet & Greet gathering. Should be fun to catch up with those families again.

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