(Amharic for "family")

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Michael & Michele in Ethiopia (sorta)

Another one of the fun things we have gotten to do, while waiting to pick up Mehandis, is put together a care package for him. Our agency is very specific on what we can send... and we followed most of all their rules (oops, guess I am more of a rule bender though). So Michael and I got to pick out about 6 pictures of ourselves, which we put in a "mouthable" photo album. This way Mehandis can begin recognizing his parents-to-be! We also sent an framed 8X10 that the nannies will hang over our sons crib... we sent kind of a silly picture, but it is actually the first family picture of the 3 of us - since we are holding his referral photo (taken about an hour after receiving "the call"). The rule breaking involves sending a little teddy bear that was a gift from his Grandma and Grandpa Wolaver. I guess you aren't supposed to send stuffed animals, but they let it slip by anyway. We UPS'ed the package to Minnesota and CHSFS sent the gift with a family who has recently left for Ethiopia. Mehandis may be looking into our eyes for the first time... this week!

Other updates...

Michael sat in on a phone conference, from CHSFS, about the trip to Hosanna. This is an option for us the first full day we arrive in Ethiopia. It is about a 4 hour drive and takes us to one of the satellite centers where Mehandis may have spent some time at. We also have the possibility of meeting some of his relatives on this trip. This trip is something that we definitely plan on doing.

We have not had any word about Mehandis getting to court. "Getting to Court" means us becoming Mehandis's legal mom & dad. The courts close on July 31st, until mid-September. If he does not make it through court by the end of this month, we will most likely be traveling around Thanksgiving. Hmmm. Can't think about that too much right now.

Thanks again to everyone for their prayers, words of congratulations and loving support!

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