(Amharic for "family")

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Back to School

This past Monday morning was a bit busier than most. It was the end of Christmas Break for my school district... so back to work I went. But this also was the date that Mehandis was scheduled to start his first day at "school" (AKA daycare).

It is so strange that we have known where Mehandis would be enrolled in daycare, a month or two before we even knew Mehandis. Michael and I visited many different facilities, asked for input from at least a dozen friends (or even acquaintances), made numerous calls and even internet research to find a place we felt our son-to-be would enjoy. I guess that is how most expectant parents go about their research as well. Hmm, didn't think about that.

Anyhow, we both felt very good about our choice in daycare. And I went with Mehandis to visit his new class the last Friday of Christmas Break. I was at ease during our visit and Mehandis proceeded to chow down at the teacher's snack offerings. Smart ploy on their part :)

So the big day finally arrived, just yesterday. Mehandis needed to get up about an hour earlier than usual. Michael needed to do Mehandis's morning dressing routine. And I needed to maintain calmness towards Michael and composure with Mehandis as a I prepared to say goodbye to those big brown eyes.

Good news - Mehandis did well... and so did I. His teachers, whom I like very much, gave him a "star" for his first day. The hardest thing for him was understanding that he needed to stay laying down in his cot for a nap. But he eventually did and took a good nap. The baked beans for lunch were not too big of a hit either. But judging by the condition of his shirt, Mehandis enjoyed plenty of the other food offerings.

The above photo was taken by Michael, right before I took Mehandis to "school". His school bag looks like it is bigger than him!

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