(Amharic for "family")

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

So what was the score?

Michael, Mehandis and I enjoyed ourselves last weekend. Friday, we kicked it off with some Office re-runs, out-takes and actors/writers commentaries. It feels so good to laugh out loud... and this show does it for us. Saturday we were able to finally get our Christmas decorations put away and then put our house in some general order. In the afternoon the boys watched Marquette beat Notre Dame. Later we went to meet our friends, the Yorks, who recently move to Iowa. Along with their friends, we "watched" the Packer game. I have to admit I didn't know the significance of this game until game-day. Nor did I really care much more once I learned of this signicance. Very fun to be with Erika, Ryan and Elise though! We miss them being a 5 minute drive away.

Ryan, pictured above, is being strangled for rooting on the Sea Hawks. I think I am correct in the team's name... if not someone will correct me soon.

Sunday was also a good day for us. The 3 M's went to St. Matt's and then I headed off to Fort Atkinson. I enjoyed my friend Carrie's baby shower (and the yummy chocolate chip walnut cheesecake)!

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