(Amharic for "family")

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year!

The M3 household is officially up and running again after a nasty bout of stomach flu. I know we will never forget this past New Year's Eve... all 3 adults (Erin, Michael's sister was staying with us) couch bound thankful for healthy Mehandis's giggles as our entertainment. Our champagne of choice was of the Sprite variety.

We are very glad to be feeling up to solid food again, along with the fact that we were healthy for the many family Christmas celebrations!

Not sure how happy Mehandis was for his forced "holiday family pose". But how could I resist?
Mehandis got an ornament to commemorate his first Christmas in our family.
He became very fatigued from all the gift opening (and 2 previous late night family gatherings). But he lit up when he opened the doll that Michael and I gave him. We bought this doll while we were in Ethiopia, since we saw how much he enjoyed the little baby doll one of his roommates had.
Typically Mehandis loves to watch me get ready when I am drying my hair and putting on makeup. Guess he had enough this day, when we were staying at Michael's parents house prepping for Christmas Eve festivities.
Michael thinks this will be a great picture to show at Mehanidis's wedding.
Great-Grandma loves her great-grandson!
Mehandis is ready to test out the Flexible Flyer sled that Nanni & Bampa got him. Hope the snow doesn't melt too fast in the heat wave we are having - it is going to be 50 degrees today!
For 2008 I would like to resolve to get some new video updates onto the blog. But I need your help! Could you please post a comment and tell Michael if this is something you would like to see? He is the official family film maker. Thanks!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I loved seeing the photos and story today, it brought tears to my eyes! Love, Aunt E