(Amharic for "family")

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

New Buddies

Yesterday was the first day we had a whole day at home together. Mehandis is handling the new environment and time zone quite well. We have seen that he needs to be very close to us right now, during all of these changes (which means more cuddles for us). He is easily comforted with smiles and hugs.

We did have a little bit of a whirlwind schedule for our first full day home. This started with waking up at 5AM (he did go to bed at 5PM the night before) and had some floor time while I ellipticized :) Mehadis enjoyed using his high chair for the first time, which helped keep both of us a little cleaner as well. He snuck in some nap time before we went to the doctor's office. What a champ he was, cooing and gargling away, while we waited for the doctor - not so happy when he had to get his ears flushed with water though. An al fresco (or front porch) lunch date with dad followed at home. Then I pushed his limits a little too much - we needed to pick up some new antibiotics so we headed on the road again to the pharmacy and tacked on a quick trip to get some groceries. Poor little guy just wanted to be in my arms, or probably sleeping, NOT in his car seat. A two hour nap followed... which we had to wake him up from for some FUN.

After Mehandis's was woken up by us, Maira, Peter & Stefan came over to meet our little guy. The boys seemed to have a lot of fun checking each other out, "sharing" toys and babbling back & forth. As you can see in the pictures below... the two of them are sure to be the best of new buddies.

1 comment:

rebekah said...

So love seeing pictures! Let us know when you're ready for more visitors so Mehandis and Quinn can be buddies too! Also, we have the seat thingy if you need it.